What Happened...

Messier Number:
NGC Number:
NGC 5194
Common Name:
The Whirlpool Galaxy
Canes Venatici
Distance from Earth:
~37 Million Light Years
Visual Magnitude:
11.0 x 7 arc minutes
Date Taken:

I'm back...

Well so far this is a recap of the last month. The most exciting thing that happened for me this month was our garage sale. We had a garage sale on the 18th and it was very successful. We still had a lot of stuff let over, but a lot was sold. To think we were gonna throw all that old stuff away when it actually made us a decent amount of money. One of the big items we tried to sell was my elliptical that I bought against the wishes of my other half. I only used it for about 30 minutes(combined total). I bought it when I was in my exercise phase. That didn't last very long. I noticed that I usually go through one of those phases every 2 months or so. Weird. Well, back to the elliptical...I was trying to sell it for $200 and nothing less. I originally bought it for $300 something and put it together all by myself, used it for little while and then it just stayed in our house and was used to hang our towels on to dry. LOL! ^_^ Well, chris put the elliptical on craig's list and what do you know...7am the next morning he gets a call and a lady is interested in it and wants to pick it up. So, at exactly 8:00am she came and gave me $200 and hauled it away. She actually got a great deal if you know how expensive ellipticals are.

Yesterday, we went down to vacationland for a little while and snorkeled around and then we decided to go check out the warm water pond thats close to Pohoiki. My son had the time of his life. To him it was like taking a bath for about a good hour and a half. He was swimming all by himself with his vest of course. I think we need to go there more often.

Today, I had to cancel going to 'Imiloa because my father had a doctor's appt and we were kind of hesitant about how my child would act going to a doctor's office, so decided to just stay home. I will be leaving to work soon so TA-TA!!

Have a great day!


Elemakule Tutu said...

Great to have you back on line. Keep it up.

kaiulani said...

Be careful of those warm ponds. Sometimes they can be a breeding ground for bacteria, especially since lots of people arent clean if you know what I mean!!!