Swine Flu...

This picture is called the Horsehead Nebula, the most famous nebula in the sky.
So, not sure if I'm the late one or not, but have you heard of the "Swine Fly" that's going around. Apparently it started in Mexico and has already affected the US. It is considered level 4 out of 6 level in the World Health Organization (WHO) disaster ratings. Isn't that a scary. I don't want to freak myself out so I'll leave it at that.

Well, schools starting to come to an end and I am sooo happy, yet so sad, because that just means that finals are coming up too. I approximately 3 weeks. Great. I'm soo excited. Really.

I just can't wait till I graduate and am able to spend time with my family. That's reminds me...today we went to the park, Lincoln Park, and it was very fun. My son was running all around, playing on the swings, the slides, and etc... They have this mountain climbing thing that he tried out for the first time and amazingly he climbed up it with no problem, like a natural. interesting. Then all of a sudden a whole bunch of kids, about 7 years in age, came running out of no where and ended up chasing all the kids that were they already away. It was kind of sad. The kids that were there originally ranged in ages 18 months to about 5, so when those big kids came they pretty much had no choice of where to go. :( so we stayed for a little while longer and then ended up leaving.

Dinner was AWESOME. I bought laulau from my co-worker and it was sooo good. Sometimes there are laulau that has too much fat or too much leaf, well this ones had a great balance of fat and leaf. There was surprisingly a lot of meat and there was butter fish in it too. :)

Okay, well tomorrow I have school and then off to 'Imiloa for a site visit with my class.

Good night all! :)


Elemakule Tutu said...

Great post!!!! Too bad about the "big" kids. I guess that they do not have younger brothers and sisters at home. Love to all.