
This is the remnants of a supernova in the constellation Taurus.

Aloha All....

Last night was Friend's and Family Night at Sears and it was a success for me. I did really well in sales and realized that I have I guess a "Knack" for sales. I'm not the pushy sales person, I am the let the jewelry and price speak for itself. I hate it when I'm bombarded by a sales person at the counter even after I tell them "I am just looking".

Well, today was suppose to be my last day at 'Imiloa, but my boss emailed me this morning and let me know that he had to take care of personal business this morning so Friday was actually my last day. :( I will miss 'Imiloa, mostly because all the people there were so inviting and friendly.Tomorrow is my last day of school and then all I have is finals left. so, I will be going into "Crunch Mode" for the next couple of weeks and then I graduate!! :) Its very exciting to realize that I won't have to worry about mid-terms, finals, papers, assignments, etc...

Oh, I forgot....I got a letter in the mail from Kamehameha Schools and apparently my son wasn't accepted into preschool this year. There were 198 applicants and only 96 open spots. not very good odds.

Then after all that our family trip is coming up. YA!!! Spending all day long doing nothing but kicking back in a pool with a drink in hand. BBQ. Sun Tanning. Swimming. Spending time with the family. Spending time with my son. Not having to worry about doing homework while i"m there. Shopping. Then playing games with the family before bed and doing it again the next day from Friday - Monday. :)

Well, that's all folks....Have a wonderful day.


kaiulani said...

Denise at my job said to call this number to see if they will help to pay for preschool. They only care that you are working or something...981-7290 First to Work. Hopefully its not one of the programs that our lovely governor cut.