
Today, I finished school at 1:15 and then headed straight to 'Imiloa for my "talk-story" orientation with my "boss". It was a very overwhelming experience. I was first shocked to see how big the facilities at 'Imiloa are. Their exhibits are beautiful and very detailed. I especially appreciate the fact that 'Imiloa ties Hawaiian culture into every exhibit that they have. Well, lets get back to my first day at a meet and greet. My supervisor is a very nice and informative. I am really eager to start working with him. He has already gave me a few projects that I will have to do and etc... I was at first very intimidated, but I know that I will... (Me: "Dad, can you stop talking to me until I finish typing this." Dad: "Ok.")...anyway...what was I saying,oh thats right....I was intimidated, but now after 2 hours of being up there I feel like I'll become very comfortable very easily. I will be interning there till May, so that gives me plenty of time and first hand experience to gain for my future. Right now I should be doing homework , but my father got me into thid blog thing that apparently I had started back in '07, but forgot about it (father: "you have to put a follower widget on your blog." Me: "Ok dad, wait") Geezzz....I guess I better sum this up right now. I will start doing my homework in an hour maybe I'll be cooking dinner at the same time, and I will keep you posted on what happens next in my life. =)

Have a nice evening!