first official day...

Today was my first official day @ 'Imiloa. I already enjoy interning there, because the people there are really friendly and nice. Theres so much that I know I will be learning and taking with me for my own knowledge. Oh....before I forget...I heard something really good last night when I was watching "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" was a saying...

"The man is the head of the house. The women is the neck and the neck can turn the head anyway she wants."

I just thought that that is sooo true. :)

Anyway, my first day was great I already had to download virus protection and run it on a computer that I had to setup on my own. And I also found out that some printers now a days can order there own supplies right on the printer. Isn't that something.

Oh well, have to go to my real job in half and hour so TA-TA!!

Have a FANTABULOUS day!! =]


Elemakule Tutu said...

Glad you are enjoying your new internship. I see that your blog does not allow anonymous comments. I think you will get more "action" if you allow everyone to comment.