
Today was a great day. So far I went to 'Imiloa for 4 hours and tried doing a bunch of stuff to a picky/stubborn computer and will have to continue that adventure next week. I know I already said that I love it there, but now I really love it there. My boss bought me lunch today at the Star Garden Restaurant and it was DELICIOUS. It was buffet style, but we did take out and ate it in the office. My father scored too, because unfortunately I couldn't finish all that I took, so I brought it home for him to eat. I only got to eat half so lucky him. :)

Now, I'm washing clothes and watching my son play in the gravel pile. I swear I think we need to get him a sand box or something. We go to the beach and instead of going in the water like I used too, he'll go straight to the sand and start building sand castles or a pit or some other thing that 3 year old's build.

Now, I need to get started on my homework so I can play this weekend.

Have a nice day!! =]


Elemakule Tutu said...

What is 020609? It is fun to dig in the sand till you hit water then watch as the water eats away the sides of the hole. Sometimes you dig up a sand crab, they can get quite large.

Anonymous said...

And when theres no sand he likes to dig up rocks looking for baby crabs. =)

aznguamanian said...

its good that you have a blog. then, one day when you're rich and famous, you can go back and read everything from the beginning! good job!