
This morning I woke up at 7:30am and got ready woke my son up and made our way to volcano to pick up my dad. From there we went to Na'alehu to pick up my mother's car. On the way we stopped at Punalu'u and got to see a turtle basking in the sun in a tide pool. My son was more interested in the sand. He ended up getting all wet and as mother's should know...always bring extra clothes for your child no matter where you go. After we picked up the car and drove back to ny house, my father and I both tried to take a nap, with the occasional awaking from my child. Then I woke up and got ready for work and didn't have the greatest day either. FYI: When your at the jewelry counter or any counter and want to see something...DO NOT TAP ON THE GLASS WITH YOUR FINGERS. That is the most irritating thing ever. I swear before people go shopping they should have to go to some kind of shopping etiquette class.

Oh, and I got an email from my teacher saying that I do not have to go to 'Imiloa tomorrow for work. Yay, I get a partial day off!! OK....have a great evening!!

Good night.


Anonymous said...

I was in retail for over 30 years and I can atest to the fact that there is a large number of people out there that are crude and rude. Also that common sence is not so common, but rather rare.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I remember wanting to slap people because they were so inconsiderate and rude. Ugh. Once, this lady totally threw clothes at me because she didnt want them anymore after trying them on. Excuse me, but the $8 an hour that they pay me to deal with you is not worth that! Seriously!