I'm Back...

Well hello bloggers.....I've decided to post pictures of astronomy everytime I post a blog. This is NGC 7000 & The Cygnus Wall.

This week starts spring break for me, YAY!!! I don't have to go school and I don't have to go to my internship at 'Imiloa...how wonderful. I just have to work at Sears, which is ok, because I enjoy my job.
So, on staurday I watched "Twilight" for the first time and was completely shocked with how much I LOVED it!! It is the best movie I've seen in a very long time. I watched it 4 times within 24hrs. My next mission is to buy it and maybe the books too. Hmm...thats weird...never have I "wanted" to buy a book and "read" it. I guess the movie is that good.
Today, I went to work and besides thinking about the movie "Twilight" all day long, I was very bored. Then the night shifter called out, so I had to make other arrangements for someone to close jewelry for the evening. I think she might've had a hard time because she called me at 7:50pm asking about the safe when the store closed at 7pm. :(
This week I have Tuesday and Thursday off, so hopefully the weather is good and we can go to the beach or zoo or some where to spend time together. Unforunately, haven't been able to do that in a while.
Oh, today I was also thinking about my wedding. I made a rough draft list of the wedding guests and I'm afraid we might have to make the list bigger than I'd hoped. My max limit was gonna be 50, but we conquered 50 with just family alone. So, chris has offered to give me some money for the wedding. Originally, I was going to pay for the wedding all by myself and chris was gonna save his money for a house, but I know there will be a lot of unhappy people around if they are not invited or even considered. This is kind of what I didn't want..."STRESS!!" I do want a wedding though, but I just don't want to stress over it like my son's first birthday.
Oh something I just remembered....I love the love story in "Twilight" and I told chris thats what I want and he just told me that "I guess you gotta find a vampire then." :( Typical!
May is a BIG month for us....my car will be paid off...finally!!! I will own my vehicle!! We get the letter in the mail saying if caysen is accepted into Kam schools or not. I really hope he gets accepted, but he will have to learn to doodoo in the potty first. I don't know why he doesn't want to go in the potty....it confuses me, maybe he thinks hes going to go down the potty too. IDK!
The database I'm writing for 'Imiloa is almost complete. Just tweaking it a little bit. Learned a lot from doing it. Didn't realize how big it would actually be. I also GRADUATE COLLEGE!!!! YAYA!!!!!! HOW EXCITING....no luck with the graduation party that I've been hinting about to my father and christoher though. :(

Ok, I will call it a night and leave you with this thought.....(from "Twilight") would you die for someone you love?

Have a good evening!


Elemakule Tutu said...

Wow!!!!! I guess your fingers have found the keyboard. Your mather and I had the same problen with our wedding. The "Luau House" was filled and it cost way too much. Your mather and I paid for the whole thing, but I had the volcano house already. One way to go is to have a very small wedding so no body can say you "invited her why not me". I hope that made sence. We can talk about a family dinner for graduation. this is getting too long so will close. Love the picture. God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

Thought you might find this interesting since you are into astronomy stuff....